Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Saturday, day after Christmas!

It has been quiet today around here, other than the fact that I received a phone call from my Dad this morning telling me that he put Mom in the hospital for congestive heart failure. I heard the wheeze in her voice over the phone on Thursday as she was reciting her pecan pie recipe. I heard the wheeze on Friday as we were at their house for Christmas Day. To have warned her would have done absolutely no good because she was determined to have Christmas Day with her family. Daddy put her in the hospital around 3:00 am today. The good news is that I spoke with her this evening and she sounded really good. She says there are monitors everywhere, but she is feeling better, but has no idea when she will get out of the hospital. She assured me she would be fine. Pray for her please dear friends and mighty prayer warriors. Pray for my Dad, too, please.

1 Corinthians 2:7 “God’s wisdom…goes deep into the interior of his purposes. It’s not the latest message, but more like the oldest—what God determined as the way to bring out His best in us.”

Bruce and I have been asked to lead worship tomorrow at two small Christian churches as their pastor has gone out of town to visit family. The services have been planned with these instructions from their pastor…”these(prayers and announcements) are only suggestions, you can do what you wish.”

We are going to follow the worship as printed in the bulletin as we are guests, but we have selected pieces and duets to sing in lieu of a spoken sermon. We have selected beautiful music to sing tomorrow, music that is not only pleasing to the ear, but words which have such wonderful messages. We are still guests in other sanctuaries and it will not matter how smoothly we lead the services and sing our sermon in song, what will matter is that we extend the hand of fellowship to congregations of strangers and that we share what Christ means in our lives.

This passage of scripture says that wisdom goes deep into the interior of His purposes and that God is determined to bring out His best in us. It is all about God. It is not about personal fulfillment; it is about living and doing for God and for His glory. Living and doing for God is not exclusive for the pastorate or the serving of a congregation. It is for all who believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ, living and doing for God in our everyday lives as wives, husbands, parents, sisters, brothers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, day laborers, postal workers, clerks etc…Living and doing for God is our purpose in this life. It is not about doing our best under our own power, but for God to bring out His best in us through the wisdom of being obedient through the surrendered life.

Take comfort joy in the journey and wear comfortable shoes. Love you all dear friends and mighty prayer warriors, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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