Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

One of my favorite people is Ben. He was one of Casey’s best friends. I love Ben just like an extra son. Ben has had many meals at our house, spent the night on our couch and even done some traveling with us. But, I think one of the things Ben loves about us is when we sing grace around the table. He doesn’t sing with us. He just closes his eyes and smiles as we sing. He even came to church once to hear us sing. But I think the thing Ben loved the most is that we loved him and treated him no differently even though he has such vastly different beliefs (or maybe no beliefs). I have never figured out how that worked. We loved him and still love him dearly.

Colossians 4:5 “Be wise in the way you act with people who are not believers.”

As believers in Christ, we profess to be Christians and follow the ways of Christ. Those who do not believe seem to know better than most how we are supposed to act. Those who do not believe make decisions about Christ based on the way we act. If we show compassion then they can believe that Christ shows compassion. If we are honest then others will assume that Christ is honest. If we, as Christians, do not judge others then non-believers can discern that Christ is not here to judge.

When we talk to others we need to speak with kindness and courtesy. When we speak and act in the ways of Christ not only does it honor the Master, but to God it honors His children. Little things like letting someone else have a parking space, or allowing someone to merge ahead of you in traffic, listening to someone when you would really rather be somewhere else, returning something you borrowed, writing a thank you note, making an effort to greet those around you, especially someone you may have overlooked or do not get along with very well. When we do these little acts of kindness God is honored and we are acting on His behalf.

We all have someone like Ben in our lives. Continuing to love those who confess not to love Jesus, may learn to love Him because of the way we have treated them: in love, with kindness and fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy (those were Ben and Casey’s favorite foods for me to make).

Sometimes we are the only Bibles people ever read.

Take joy in the journey, carry an umbrella, wear comfortable shoes and speak kindly on your travels. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.


I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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