Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Thursday!

Today was a really great day at school. A couple of weeks ago one of my team members was surplused from our campus to another campus because of a low enrollment in first grade. When that happened his class was divided up among the remaining teachers. There were five children added to my classroom. I went from a dream class of 17 children to a reality class of 22. It has taken some time, but finally today, for the first time, my class began to gel. Talking was down, listening and learning were up and following directions went far better today. I have been waiting for this day for quite a while. I hope this is a trend and that tomorrow is just a nice.

Psalm 50: 10, 12 “For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills…If I were hungry, I would not tell thee; for the world is mine, and the fullness thereof.”

Let’ face it… for most people money is tight right now. How many of us have asked for an extension on this or that or can I pay for this on payday? Sometimes the “storehouses” of our lives run a little low. It makes me nervous when there is too much month left at the end of the money. When our earthly storehouse seems a bit bleak I pray for God to just meet the needs of the day. And out of His love and His faithfulness, the daily needs are met. They may be met creatively, but the needs are met.

But the storehouses of God are full to overflowing. God asks us to remind ourselves that His storehouse is never empty or even runs low. His storehouse of love is always full and overflowing. His storehouse of grace is so plentiful that to feel satisfied all we need is to ask. God reminds us that material things come and go, but His love, grace, forgiveness and tender mercies are always available. When we ask for these priceless gifts of God we are not just given a portion, but we are given in abundance. I think the reason that God gives His gifts of grace, love, forgiveness etc… in such overflowing abundance is so that after we are soaked in these gifts we can share the overflow with someone else.

So the next time the pantry is looking a bit bleak and the fridge is looking a little sparse, remember that God loves us so much and His pantries are eternally full and ready for the filling of our souls with His love. Love enough for us and someone else.

Take joy in the journey and wear a sweater. Love you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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