Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

Carme’s surgery was rescheduled for Thursday (the day after tomorrow). Please keep Carme and her family in your prayers.

My apologies for not writing last night. I have a paper due in my Christian Ethics class tomorrow so I spent last night writing a personal narrative informing our professor of my understanding of Christian ethics. This was a hard fought paper that was written one paragraph at a time. I did really struggle with this paper. I lost sleep over this paper and prayed my way through each and every sentence. Now it is in the hands of Bruce, my own personal editor, for a final editing to make sure I make sense. He is really great at that. I prayed for knowledge beyond myself as I was writing. Please pray for me and this paper as I tackle this class.

Hebrews 13:5 “I will never leave you or forsake you.”

I was paid on Friday. It is now Tuesday and the money is nearly gone. I have deemed myself just the “middle man.” I earn it, I buy things or pay bills and someone else gets it. With three of us in college at the same time the budget is really tight. And then Bruce’s work from the door company has really, really slowed down. Finances are a bit stretched right now. Each day in my prayer time I pray for God to meet our needs just for the day. I guess like any parent I tend to fret if the possibility is out there that I may not be able to meet the needs of my husband and my children. And then I read this passage through the eyes of the One who never runs out of what we really need to live our lives.

I am going to pair the scripture from Hebrews with one from Isaiah 48:12 “Hearken unto Me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I Am He, I Am the first, I also Am the last.”

I may run out of milk, butter eggs and Ruby Red Crystal Light (tragic) but God never runs out of love. His Word says that God’s love is unfailing. God’s love is constant and never tires. Even when we run out of understanding, He never runs out of understanding. When we are tired beyond tired and we still have to continue, His strength never leaves us and He never tires. And when someone is standing on the only nerve we have left, God’s patience is always there and never weakens.

Now having said all of that, I may fret over the temporal things of this world but I need to remember that God is really calling me to a higher spiritual plain. I have never been wealthy or rich by the standards of this world, but because I have God’s love I am always rich.

Take joy in the journey and much love to your all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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