Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy Thursday!

Tonight I am writing to all who are facing surgery or who have recently had surgery, all who are ill and in need of wellness and healing. Tonight this writing is inspired by Carme, who today came through her surgery beautifully, and my brother Ken, who is having shoulder surgery in the morning.

Proverbs 20:27 “The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all of the inward parts of the belly.”

God is our Savior. He knows us inside and out. God knows our spiritual hearts and minds and also knows our physical bodies. When we face surgeries or illness and sometimes other unknowns, those are the times when we must rely on the constant strength of God.

I love the image of the candle. Candles are such a great source of hope and the picture of assurance that God is always with us. Lighthouses are like great candles on the water. These powerful beacons of light warn incoming ships of the rocks that are ahead, but they also invite those who have been out to sea to come home. A candle can provide light in the darkest of places and bring comfort when we need it the most.

So tonight in my prayers, I light candles of thanksgiving for Carme’s surgery and her recovery and Ken’s’ pending surgery in the morning. I invite them and all of you to lay your worries, concerns and burdens, fears and unknowns at the feet of the Father and do not take them back. Look to the heavens and lift your pain to the One who asks for your pain and then rest in that same One who has promised rest and never breaks His promises.

Take joy in the journey and may peace and comfort guide your way. Love you all and pray for Carme and Ken. Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment: said...

To my dearest friend,

As I write I still have on Casey's shirt that you and Bruce gave me. I wore it home from the hospital due to one drain tube. It brings me such comfort physically and spriritually.

I pray that Ken's surgery goes just as well.
