Our ship, Ecstacy and its sister ship, Fantasy, docked in Cozumel.
Happy Friday!
This morning I went to my last Friday morning water aerobics class until a school holiday or summer break happens again. I will miss my water buddies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but I will make new friends on Saturday mornings and Tuesday and Thursday evenings as there are water classes at those times.
I had a mother moment today. Geni is studying elementary education at UNT. She is taking a super full load of 18 hours this semester. And she has all of her classes scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays. She has decided to substitute teach on the remaining days of the week (MWF). Today I took her to the Admin Bldg in Fort Worth to begin the process of becoming a FWISD employee. Today they verified her identity. Next Friday, she will be in the interview process and the 28th she will go to substitute teacher inservice. She is getting excited and I am so proud of her. I never thought any of our children would want to be in education (especially Geni!) and today I took her to the administration building. She is going to do a great job and will get so much practical experience. She needs our prayers and a big hug.
Galatians 6: 2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Carmella Russell is my oldest and dearest friend. She, David, Bruce and I chartered a Young Married( with no children) Sunday School class almost 30 years ago. We became wonderful and lasting friends. We four are very different, but very devoted and cherished friends. We have shared much of our lives together over the years. Carme and Dave adopted Catherine, a special needs baby, 22 years ago and then lost this precious child in death when she was barely two years old. Geni and Catherine played together as babies and even stole gum together when Carme and I lost sight of them for a second in a convenience store. I sang little Catherine’s funeral. Carme and Dave were Casey’s godparents and were a strong support and unfailing help during Casey’s illness and death. Carme and I sat in the floor of the church on the day of the celebration of life service and were reminded of the irony that instead of creating the memory table we should have been decorating the church for his wedding. And then we remembered that Casey was now united with the bride of Christ forever.
Carme and Dave once again adopted a beautiful teenage girl named Shaleena. We were introduced to her three years ago at the funeral of Dave’s dad. We mourned the family’s loss and celebrated with great joy as Carme and Dave’s two person family was once again increased by one. Then Dave suffered serious health issues and then Carme was diagnosed with breast cancer. Once again our lives were entwined in bearing each other’s burdens. This list could go on for a long time.
On Monday Carme will be a welcome visitor in our home. (She has not seen it since we have made improvements. I can’t wait!) But mostly I can’t wait to sit with Carme over coffee and just share our joys, sorrows, memories and plans. When we get together we are strengthened by the bond of years of friendship and love.
So tonight I am going to throw this question out there…Is God a welcome visitor in our homes? Is God someone with whom we share our burdens, joys, sorrows, triumphs and tragedies? Are we sharing these everyday occurrences over coffee with the One Who asked to bear our burdens as we would our best friend? And…are we people who willing to fulfill the law of Christ and help others shoulder their burdens and share their joys? Are we willing to sit down over coffee and listen as a friend offers their burden to us so that their load is not so heavy? Remember Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” He not only shared our burdens but lifted them up to the beams of the cross.
Take joy in the journey and stay cool! Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
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