Happy Wednesday!
Isaiah 55: 1 “Come to the water everyone who thirsts, come to the water.”
Three mornings a week I go to water aerobics class. One morning after class one of the class members said, “You know, now that you know the routine then you could just come to gym and work out by yourself.” I thought about what she said and I thought first, I am not self-disciplined enough to come to the gym and do a water workout for an hour by myself. I need a leader in front of me showing me the exercises and keeping me always moving forward. If left to my own devices I am sure I would not work as hard or as long or maybe not even go at all. And second, there is certain camaraderie among the other class participants. Everyone has their own spot picked out in class (sort of like in worship where we have our favorite pews) and we count on the others around us to be there as friends in the water. Third, the hopeful benefit of the class for me is that I can become healthier by strengthening my heart and taking off some pounds and inches. (Our instructor plays Hit the Road Jack, recorded by Ray Charles as we exercise. I jokingly call it “Hit the road fat and don’t you come back no more.”)
In this scripture God calls each of us to come to the water. When we come to the waters as God calls, we receive forgiveness and healing. When John baptized Jesus, he did not baptize Him in private. John baptized Jesus and the others standing on the shore. On that day as Jesus was baptized he was baptized into the ministry God had planned and prepared for Him. Randy Travis sings a song with the lyric “Down with the old man and up with the new” in reference to the act of baptism. Jesus, in the waters of baptism, left His private life behind and began His public life, ministry and the road to the cross.
When we come to the waters of baptism, we too die to the old and are raised to the new life Christ has promised. I hope to become changed by going to water aerobics but I know I am changed through the loving forgiveness and powers of healing, the living water of God flowing through Jesus. Just like my water buddies encourage me and I encourage them, we need to encourage each other through prayer, kind words and showing our love to each other. We were not meant to go through this life of faith alone, so encourage someone today. So let’s pray for our families, friends, those new to a daily walk with Jesus and for those who have hurt us (they need our prayers too.)
Tomorrow is Geni’s birthday . My beautiful daughter will be 22 tomorrow. I think we are going to do some girl stuff and then The Cheesecake Factory for her birthday dinner.
Take joy in the journey friends and stay in the air conditioning. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
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