Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Friday!

48 hours and counting! Today was a busy day for most of the teachers in the state of Texas who begin teaching children and young people on Monday morning. By noon today I decided it was time to clean up the room and have it ready for the children and parents on Monday. I was not going to tape up anything else or write anyone else’s name and so I begin to gather my things and head to the copier. (Please remember we are two short days from children).

As I am heading to the copier to copy the various things for Monday I am told there is no toner for our machine. Now imagine if you will a building of like-minded men and women, teacher and administrators who all need to make copies and there is no toner for the copier. Well, we borrowed a tube of toner from another school and the copying began and then the copier went down and began to spit out very poor copies with blank spaces.

Folks, I realize we are trying to go to a paperless society, but schools still largely run on paper and ink. Stress level reached a fevered pitch. Many of us are biting the bullet and doing some basic copying at FedEx Office (formerly Kinkos), not knowing when the copier will be repaired. I ask that you pray for the teachers, the copier and all of the children and young people who will return to school this week. Did it ever blow you away that congress took prayer out of schools and then ask us to do this job without a prayer!

1 Corinthians 4:5 “God will praise each one of them.”

In my classroom I have a computer mouse pad with “100 Ways to Praise a Child” on it. As the instructional leader in my classroom it is mega- important that I discover something in each child that is worthy of praise. Other teachers and even the principal can praise the children in my classroom, but the praise they seek out the most is mine. I can’t imagine ever saying to a child, “I don’t have time to praise you right now. Could you go across the hall to Mr. Mac’s room and tell him what you did. He would love to give you praise for your accomplishment.”

God tells us in this scripture that He will praise each one of us. He will not exclude anyone of His children and he will not staff out His recognition and praise. As Max Lucado says, “Michael will not be in charge of crowns and Gabriel will not in change of speaking on behalf of the throne.” No, God, Himself will praise each of us personally. When the time comes for praise, when we come before the throne of grace He will say to us “Well done, good and faithful servant.” He will call us by name without having to check the attendance roster, for He knows us so well. There will not be a group blessing. We will individually go before God to receive His blessing and be called by name.

As we go about our daily lives let us look for ways to celebrate the gifts others have to offer. Let each of us search for a way to praise those with whom we have relationship, call them by name and offer them a word of praise. Perhaps when we find words of praise for each other the Holy Spirit that lives within us will grow and take up more space in our heart.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all so much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

PS Tomorrow is Bruce’s birthday! He is going sailing with his reunion group. How cool is that! Happy Birthday B—loved.

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