Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Thursday!!

I Corinthians 16:4 “Your every action must be done with love.”

Well, now, there is a high calling to reach! I would love to tell you that each action and thought I have has been or will be done in love. This verse reminds me of how God has always dealt with me. God has always treated me with loving kindness and compassion. In turn He calls me to do the same with those I meet, especially my family.

You know today’s technology is amazing. We can reach almost anybody at any time using a variety of ways. Most of us have cell phones. We can not only make a call on our phones, but we can send pictures, privately send and receive text messages and, if the person we wish to reach is not available, we can leave a message for them to return our call. Most of us have computers and are connected to the internet. On this wonderful medium of information gathering and sending we can write messages to someone around the world and they receive it in seconds. We can “text” a conversation with our friends. And then there is the ever popular Face Book. Using this tool we can keep up with friends both current and past and make new friends just by issuing an invitation.

Today I was emotional as I thought about last 4th of July. We left Casey in the hospital while we went to spend the day with my family. Had I had any inkling that it would be the last July 4th I could spend with my son I would have stayed here. His picture crosses my computer as he is wearing the shirt I bought him for the last 4th of July. It is a fishing lure with the colors of the flag. If there are barbeques in heaven I am sure Casey is manning the grill with a Shiner in one hand and tongs in the other.

I guess my point is that we really need to keep in touch with the ones we love. I came to find out recently that two families are estranged between parents and their children for hurts in the past. One of these friends just lost his mother and had not spoken to his mother in many years. I read today that Michael Jackson did not mention his father in his will at all.

Since we do not know the number of our days, is it worth our efforts to harbor grudges and hurts of the past? What do we gain by separation and carrying unforgiveness in our hearts? God calls us in His Word to act lovingly to all.
How can we do this? Everybody has those “sandpaper people” in their lives. You know those people who just rub us the wrong way! But maybe those sandpaper people are in our lives for us to grow into “loving smoothness.” It is easy to love someone who is loving and kind to us, but not so easy to love someone who drives us crazy. Those sandpaper people, when treated lovingly, cause our rough edges to become smoother.

So friends, call your mom, dad, brother or sister. Call someone you haven’t seen in a while. Check out Face Book and see if they are on it. Find ways to connect and reconnect with others. For you never know when you will see them again or maybe never again.

Take joy in the journey and stay in the shade. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

By the way, Geni and her friends made it to San Antonio is good shape. They stayed at Carme and Dave's long enough to get a little rest, then made it to the train on time. Our prayers are with Jade as she moves to California and with Tiffany as she travels with Jade, then back to Texas. Our prayers are also with Geni as she travels back to home tomorrow.

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