Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Thursday! The butterfly count is 31. This morning as I was having my morning prayer time, I had this overwhelming sense of loss of Casey. I began to miss him so much that I became extremely emotional and cried all the way to work. Upon my arrival at work I called my school secretary and asked her to please sign me in and I would come in the building in a few minutes after the tears stopped and I repaired my face. It is not uncommon for me to weep during my prayer time, but it is usually a short lived experience and then I am okay. But today was different.

I remember every moment of being in labor and delivery with Casey. Immediately upon his arrival in this world I remember thinking that all of the pain was gone. The next thing I remember was trembling very dramatically with cold right after his birth. Then I remember the nurses covering me with a warm blanket. I will never forget the comforting feeling of the warmth of that blanket and how I relaxed peacefully as the heat of that blanket calmed my shivering.

Psalm 4: 3 says, “The Lord hears when I call to Him.”

The morning Casey was diagnosed with cancer I was by myself at the hospital. Bruce was traveling back to Arlington, Travis was in school and Geni was in Nacogdoches. After the doctor told me what he found in the biopsy all I wanted was Bruce, the kids, my Mom and Dad and my brother. I was so frightened and felt so alone and I know I was trembling from head to foot. I needed a warm blanket to calm my trembling body and frightened soul. Today, God sent me a warm blanket in the form of Travis.

I finally walked into the building about 7:50 and tried to get myself together. About 8:15 Travis called and asked if he could spend the day with me at school. He told me it was “Take Your Child to Work Day.” I quickly told him “YES!” Travis was my warm blanket. He was God with skin on for me today. God knew exactly what I needed and He sent my son to spend the day. I did not pray for anyone to rescue me, but God, who knows what to do far better than I, sent Travis. I felt so much better for the remainder of the day.

God granted me help in time of need. He heard my prayers and without me asking He sent the comfort I so needed. God obviously heard the prayers of the psalmist. The psalmist is certain of the peace and assurance that God will hear and answer our prayers.

God sent Jesus into this world so that we could know Him, the Father of all, the creator of life and all things. Jesus taught us to pray so we could be in constant communication with the Father through the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew His disciples were going to need a comforter after His death. As Jesus was teaching His disciples and preparing them for His death, He told them that He was going to ascend back to the Father and He would send back a Comforter. Even though Jesus was no longer with His disciples He sent His very essence back in the Holy Spirit so He could be with His disciples and the rest of us forever through prayer.

So friends, God calls us to a life of prayer. He wants to know us, love us, cover us in His grace and comfort us when our hearts are breaking. As the old hymn says, “Take it to the Lord in prayer”, and then wait and see what the Lord will do. Thanks for letting me share a moment and love you all.

Take joy in your journey. Love, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

Beautiful, Gaylene. Absolutely beautiful.
