Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Monday!

My all-time favorite television show was Touched by an Angel. The show starred Della Reece and Roma Downy. These two characters were angels from heaven on assignment to earth. Tess and Monica became involved in the lives of individuals on earth and showed their “assignments” ways to work out the issues in their lives with guidance and trust in God. Some of their “assignments” began the story with a faith, some had not a clue and most just needed to know they could be forgiven and that they were loved. They needed to know that they were loved by God completely and that no matter what they had done they were worthy of God’s love. At the end of each episode the company of angels rejoiced at the victories God had won in the lives of their assignments. But it went a little deeper than just the earthly lives of their assignments. Tess and Monica also spoke of heaven. They spoke of heaven in terms of “it is more beautiful than anything you can imagine.” Angels reside in heaven. Angels are part of the citizens of heaven.

Luke 15:10 says, “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God when one sinner changes his heart and life.”

I have heard this verse for years. Since Casey lives in heaven I think about heaven a lot. And I do not know if angels visit us here on earth like in my favorite show Touched By an Angel. But I think I know why they rejoice when one sinner comes to know Christ. I think it is because angels know what heaven is like. They know what heaven holds. The citizens of heaven are those whose lives have been forever changed by the love and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Heaven is a place of perfect peace. No arguments, completely free from sin, free from fear, free from pain, stress, sorrow, suffering. The angels love the work of Christ in the lives of those here on earth because they know the indescribable joy of the perfect love of God that awaits the forgiven, repentant sinner when they, too, become a citizen of heaven.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

I used to get so bugged whenever someone would gripe about "Touched by an Angel." More often than not, whoever was griping about the show was either a) an unbeliever or b) someone who'd never actually watched the show. Sometimes both. Even someone as cynical as me could see the beauty of that show. Besides, if Della Reese says God loves you, you better dang sure believe it!

Thanks for the memories. Glad you guys are back home safe!
