Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Sunday! We arrived back in Texas around 5:30 and back at home around 8:45. We had a non-eventful journey back home. This is in contrast to our trip to Memphis with the bit of car trouble and a lot of rain. The most unusual thing that happened on our trip home is that I read 291 pages of the final Harry Potter novel. I have seen all of the movies, but never read any of the books. I became totally engrossed in the story. It is excellent writing.

Our visit with family was so wonderful. The cousins had never all met each other before and what began as handshakes and pleasantries ended with huge hugs and promises to keep far better in touch. I cannot wait until all of the pictures arrive via the internet and CDs. Our nephew Kevin got a new fancy camera recently and took pictures of everything that happened over the weekend. There are photos of the making of the cinnamon rolls, Bruce and Travis discovering a new computer game where you make all kinds of things, conversations, family pictures and a swarm of bees that decided to take up residence in a tree at their house. Totally cool!

Song of Solomon 2:4 says, “He brought me to the banqueting house and His banner over me is love.”

I love going to visit family. The other night I shared with you about our families and the love that we all share. And even though I love visiting family near and far I love my own home the best. I love cooking in my own kitchen, sleeping in my own bed, my dogs, my front porch, eating at my own table…you get the idea. In my own home when I walk in I am loved. My home is familiar and has the comforting smells I have grown to love and when I walk in there is usually someone here that I love very much. I love coming to home to Bruce and the kids and feeling the love of family.

The Song of Solomon is a book I have always looked at as a love letter to God and how heaven will be when we see God face to face. Even though all I have is an earthly lens with which to consider heaven, the image I come back to the most is a family and being loved completely. When I read this verse I imagine a never ending banquet table and sitting with those who have gone on before me filled with the most amazing feast in anyone’s imagination. I don’t know whether the citizens of heaven need to eat food as we think of food or is the banquet a feast of God’s love forever. I look forward to the day when I am reunited with Jesus and those who have gone on before me. I know Casey and my Mamo will be there and they already know and experience the perfect love of God all the time.

The banquet of love that we experience each week (as Lutherans) is the Eucharist celebration. The body and blood of Jesus was broken and shed with perfect devotion and obedience to God the Father. This perfect loving act so unselfishly given is known as a foretaste of the feast to come. So my friends, as often as you can, sit at the table with Jesus at the center and allow His banner of love and grace to be lifted over you as an invitation to come to the table as His child. Come and eat, the table is set.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all friends, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

PS Thank you for your prayers for travel mercy. Also, could you pray for me as I write this final theology paper? It has to be 20-25 pages long and is due on May 5. I need knowledge beyond myself to write this paper. Thank you.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

Hooray! I'm glad y'all made it back home and had a wonderful time in Memphis! We sure missed y'all in church, though. It was a special moment in that Shoeless and I were the Assisting Minister and the Acolyte, respectively, so he followed me with the Communion tray while I poured the wine!

Hopefully we'll see y'all Wednesday.
