Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Friday! Blessed Good Friday to you all. First, Bruce went to the heart specialist today. They did sonograms of his heart and then a stress test. The end result is that his aortic valve is leaking. He is taking medication daily now and in about 5 or 10 years Bruce will have to have the valve replaced. So for now we are grateful that it is a manageable condition. Bruce will go back to the doc in six months and see how the medicine is working.

On Sunday my family and our nephew Ryan will be joining us for Sunday lunch at Bravo! Then we are returning here for dessert and coffee. Upon my arrival home from school today, Bruce and Geni were busily painting the exterior of the house. The primary color is sort of a creamy yellow and the trim a dark brown. Next, Bruce hung a beautiful new door. After the door was hung the trim color was a total mismatch. So we went back to Home Depot. We found a color that we thought would work. This time we were a bit smarter. You can buy a tiny jar of the color you like as a sample and if it does not work then you are only out a couple of dollars. The new color worked well and tomorrow I will go and get a gallon of the right color. And then the cleaning and baking will begin.

Luke 10:20 says, “Be happy…because your names are written in heaven.”

Tonight our nephew Ryan and his daughter came by and took paintbrush in hands. They were a great help and a complete delight to have around. We set up the picnic table in the front yard. I made a huge pot of taco soup and we had a picnic in the front yard. It was so great. We gave thanks, laughed, talked and the table was a table of joy. It was almost how I think heaven may be like. The weather was sort of balmy. The table was set. The food prepared. And the family was gathered together in love for each other and for the God who loves us so much.

Jesus sat with His disciples on Thursday evening with those closest to Him. The table was set. The food prepared. The family gathered in love for each other and for the One who loves them so much. The difference in our table in the front yard and the table where Jesus sat that night is that we cleared the dishes and went about our busyness of washing dishes and painting. A little later we said good-bye to Ryan and Bianca. We will see them again soon. Jesus said good-bye to His friends for the last time. We offered our home and love to Ryan and Bianca whenever they wish to come by. Jesus offered His life. He broke the bread, shared the cup and went to the garden to pray to His heavenly Father before walking the steps to the cross.

Do you suppose the disciples gave Jesus a hug and said see you at breakfast? Did they tell Him how much they loved Him? Did they truly understand that this was the last time they would see Jesus as they had always known Him? Or did fear grip their very souls as they watched the drama of the next hours unfold before their very eyes?
Tonight I was given a glimpse of what heaven might be like for me; surrounded by family and good food, but most of all that all of us carried the same name; children of God.

Take joy in the journey. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare our home to receive more family on Sunday. Love you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

PS Please pray for Ryan, our nephew. He is currently without employment. He is interviewing and sending out resumes. Thanks. gc

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

Thank you Lord that Bruce's condition isn't more serious and thank You for the technology and medicine to keep it manageable.

Missed y'all this morning. No more sunrise services for me!
