Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Wednesday!! Three down and 2 to go!! The kids are getting more antsy and more talkative by the moment. Please pray for all teachers and their schools everywhere. Believe me, we need it!!

We had Blue Grass worship at Advent tonight led by the Little Road Revival. It was really great. There were two guitarists, a mandolin player, a fiddle player, a banjo player and a harmonica player. They played and sang some traditional Christmas carols as well as some unfamiliar pieces. All were just wonderful.

Revelation 7:11-12 says, “All the angels were standing around the throne…saying, “Amen! Praise, glory, wisdom, thanks, honor, power and strength belong to our God forever and ever.” Do you suppose heaven celebrates Christmas? This morning in my prayer time I actually asked this question. I haven’t received an answer as yet, but I began to think that the residents of heaven must just praise God all of the time. But angels are God’s special created beings. Angels are messengers of God. It was an angel that announced gave the news to Mary that she was to bear the Christ child. It was the power of the Holy Spirit overshadowing her that transformed Mary from a maiden in Nazareth to the mother of God. It was a choir of angels that announced His birth. It was an angel that told Sarah that she would have a child in her later years.

When angels announce things to us they see the awe or disbelief on our faces. And when angels see the face of God they must be so humbly awed because when they see the face of God they know He is Lord of all. When angels see the face of God in all of His glory they bow down and worship Him. Angels see God in all of His beauty. Now they could look down and see amazing beauty in God’s creation, but they choose to focus their eyes on the glory of God. Do you suppose they looked down into a stable long ago and saw God as they had never seen Him before? They saw God as a baby.

They announced his birth to humble shepherds. What did the shepherds do? The shepherds left their flocks, went to the stable lit by a star and worshiped this precious life. Have you ever noticed that angels are never quiet? They are always singing, talking, announcing or annunciating about something. It is the job of an angel to be a messenger of God.

What is our job? Could we take a lesson from the angels? Our job may not be to sing, or announce, or annunciate about miraculous births, but it is our job to tell others that Jesus Christ has been born again in our lives and how the Holy Spirit has transformed our lives. We need to tell others how we are not perfect, but we are forgiven. We need to tell others about God’s grace and tender mercies. We need to tell others that (quoting Corrie Ten Boom) “No pit is so deep that His love is not deeper still.” And tell those who do not know that Jesus could have been born again a thousand times in Bethlehem, but unless He is born again once in our hearts then it is all for naught. We cannot be angels here on earth, but we can do the job of angels when we keep our eyes focused on the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Take care and stay warm friends and take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

The really groovy and miraculous thing about the Little Road Revival band is that their banjo player has only one working arm: his picking arm. But when you listen to him play, you forget he's only using one hand! Talk about using the gifts God gives you, despite the obstacles!

"Do you suppose heaven celebrates Christmas?"

You bet! Why wouldn't Jesus have a birthday party???

"Have you ever noticed that angels are never quiet? They are always singing, talking, announcing or annunciating about something. It is the job of an angel to be a messenger of God."

Yes, Gaylene, and you do that job magnificently! As I read this, I thought of you on Sunday mornings, giving communion to the musicians, singing as you go. So many time I wanted to tell you "Please, Martha, stop! Sit down, enjoy the worship!" Now I realize you were and it's because of what you wrote up there. So, I guess you're an imperfect-but-forgiven preview of what's to come!

Playing catch-up, as you can tell!
