Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Monday! Wow! What a change in the weather! Yesterday I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt with the doors open and enjoying the balmy air. And then this morning I was scurrying around trying to find a sweater, scarf and warm jacket! My daddy always said, “If you don’t like the weather in Texas just wait a little while and it will change.” It began to sleet while I was outside grilling tonight. Geni was working in Denton tonight and we really worried as she was going to have to drive home after 8:30. She phoned on her way home to tell us that I-35W had closed. But Praise God it is now 10:20 and she just walked in safe and sound. I applauded her entrance into the house and gave thanks for her safe return. Travis, too, got home safely even though it is only about 10 blocks from Starbucks to here.

The countdown for the holiday break at school is in full swing. One day down and four to go. We may all be cooped up this week as it is too cold for little ones to go out, not to mention their teacher!! We are working part of the day on curriculum lessons and part of the day on holiday activities. The week goes a lot easier if there are a lot of things to keep them busy, their minds occupied and their hands cutting gluing and glittering.

Psalm 125:2 says, “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people.” In my younger days I served as the youth and music director for a church out in Vernon, Texas. Only someone young would take on both of those jobs simultaneously for very little money. But none the less I took the job and was sent to Estes Park, Colorado on a youth minister’s conference. I fell in love with the mountains. I felt so incredibly safe and surrounded in the security of the love and protection of God through His amazing creation. It was in those mountains that I also discovered that youth ministry was not my calling. I came very close to calling the pastor I worked with and telling him to pack my office and my clothes and send them to me. I was ready to work at McDonalds if I could just stay within the feeling of protection and safety I felt being surrounded by God’s creation. It was sort of like being hugged by God each time I looked out of my window. (I am taking some inspiration today’s devotional reading from Today’s Word in Season.)

At the Celebration of Life Service for Casey I had a similar feeling except the hugs were given by friends and family; “God with skin on.” The Ministry of Presence was so strong as around 700 people came to celebrate Christ that evening. I have never been hugged so many times in my whole life and I loved every one. The Holy Hugs given that night were not just given by arms but by hearts. The Holy Hugs represented heartfelt love and compassion for a family whose hearts were broken by loss. God showed His compassion for our family in the presence of His children comforting and supporting out family and praising His name in worship.

Troubles happen. Tragedies come. Heartbreak is inevitable. And we will have to face our deepest fears. What we must remember is that God is with us. God will protect us and keep us safe. God keeps us surrounded by His love and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. He will send His children to give the hugs we all need. I would love for life to be smooth and without bends in the road, but since it is not going to be, when the hard times come God wraps His warm and loving arms around us and never lets us go. Stay warm tonight.

Keep warm tomorrow and take joy in the journey.

Love you all, Brue, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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