Greetings from Austin Street
Blessed Sunday to you all!
All is well here at 811.
The candle is lit…
Dear God, I need you in my life each day and night. Your
presence is more wonderfully satisfying especially with family, friendships and
all that this life has to offer. Lord, I
do not live a perfect life because I am not perfect. But Lord I do live an
abundant life. I live a life that is filled with Your love, grace, peace,
forgiveness and tender mercies. Lord, I thank you for the people in my life
that are so precious; Bruce, Geni, Travis and Sarah. I give thanks for the
family that birthed me and all of those who have been added to the family
register through the years. I thank you for friends, work and ministry. As I
sit in Your presence my heart is filled with thankfulness. Thank you Lord for
Your continual presence in my life. I love
you Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
I am thankful that Jesus poured out His blood on the cross
that day at Calvary. It is that radical
gift of love that connects us all. For when that blood was shed we all became
connected through Holy DNA with God as our Creator and Father to Jesus out of
God’s great love for us. Romans 8 tells
us that nothing can ever separate us from the Love of God.
This is Thanksgiving week.
I have many things for which to give thanks. It has been quite a year
here at 811. And even though not everything that happened was a situation of
thankfulness, I was able to find thankfulness in the difficult times. And in the tough times I remembered the
passage from Romans 8 about never being separated from the love of God. What a great love for which to be thankful!
Eph. 5: 20 tells us to “Give thanks for all things in Jesus’
name.” So what are the things for which to give thanks in Jesus name? Unfailing
love, eternal unmerited grace, tender mercies, healing and wholeness, complete
forgiveness, salvation are just some of the things that are of “Jesus’ name.” I do not see cancer, strokes or other
illnesses on the list. While life does not always hand us situations for which
to be thankful, as children of God and brother(s) and sisters(s) to Christ all carrying the same Holy DNA we
can find treasures of thanksgiving even in the toughest of situations. Because
in the most difficult of times God walks with us and never leaves our side. And if all we can pray is “Thank you Jesus.” Then
we have found ourselves on Holy ground and living the abundant life.
“Always giving
thanks to God the father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Ephesians 5: 20
“Give thanks to
the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (we sang this song this morning!)
Psalm 118: 1
Take joy in the journey praying, praising, laughing, giving
thanks for the presence of God along the way and encourage others. Wear
comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene
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