Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Wednesday and Happy Thanksgiving Eve!  All is well here at 811.  The dressing is in the fridge ready for baking in the morning. The giblets are stewed and cooling ready for chopping and I will make the mashed potatoes and green beans in the morning before we leave for Allen.  I love Thanksgiving.  When your children grow up and begin their own traditions sometimes it is tough on parents as we realize we have to grow up too. Both Geni and Travis are creating their own Thanksgiving traditions apart from Bruce and me.  But we are all going to be together at Christmas so everything works out just fine.  The good news is that they are all with the ones they love too and will give thanks. 

The candle is lit…

God, thank you for the comforting light of your presence and the comforting strength of your arm that leads me carefully as I journey. Thank you for creating me and each of us with unique purposes that fits in with your people. I praise you for uniting all of us in love. Lord, today I sent in  the first of the ordination documents. I ask you to walk each step of this process with me and teach me the things you want me to know and learn between now and April. It is my heart’s desire to serve you as an ordained pastor.  I pray to serve you with my whole heart and that you will lead me to live, walk and work among your people with extraordinary purpose.  May the purpose in which I serve You and your people be ordained by you and strengthened by your very love. I love you Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Continuing with the theme of thankfulness God asks each of us to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving to God telling of the kindness of God   and the works of God with songs of joy!  When we bear our circumstances with courage and thanking God for God’s holy Presence during our circumstances we are praising and thanking God in its highest form. This practice is a divine power that will weaken the core of the problem we are facing. And this is the hard part, but it is also the blessing; when we place this discipline into practice we surrender our need to understand “why” and with courage and trust stepping out of the way letting God help us through the circumstance.  The sacrifice of thanksgiving is a practiced discipline that happens over period of time. When we offer our sacrifice we are asking God to let us see our situation through the eyes of God. When we offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving to God we deepen our relationship and come closer to God. This discipline deepens our trust level in ways of mercy, seeing God’s goodness and standing in the light of God’s love.  Besides the personal benefits of practicing the sacrifice of thanksgiving, as others see that we are not only able to endure in our current circumstances but thrive we are able to show God’s strength in our lives and give encouragement to others. 

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”
2 Corinthians 10: 3-4
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING.”
Proverbs 3: 5
Take joy in the journey praising, praying, laughing, and encouraging others as you go. Enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving Day. GO FROGS!!!! Wear purple, comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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