Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Wednesday!  All is quiet and well here at 811. The nuclear procedure went very well today. The nuclear specialist was very kind and covered me with warm blankets. I wasn’t particularly cold, but they make me relax and feel like I had been given a warm hug. She offered music and put in Christian music during the procedure. There is a lot of waiting during this so I just sang along with the music. Songs like…Bless the Lord O My Soul, In Christ Alone and others helped the time pass quite nicely and kept me focused on the Savior. 

Dear God, tonight I come to you with thanksgiving for the prayer covering I am receiving from family and friends as prepare for tomorrow’s surgery. I know your presence is always with me and I have hope that your presence will be with all who will work with me tomorrow. You gave them the skills to do their jobs and tomorrow I ask that you perfect their skills so that there are no mistakes.I ask a measure of your grace that my body will receive this care by your will and design.  I pray that you would bring peace and comfort to my family and friends who are waiting and perfect their trust in you.  Thank  you Lord that  your Holy Spirit helps us when we are  in need especially when we are all prayed out and can only speak or even just think your name. You search our hearts and our minds and intercede for us before God and ask for God’s will to be done. Help me sleep tonight. It’s an early call in the morning. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

My friends it has been a long day and a longer day is to come. Bruce and I have been asked to arrive at the hospital at 5:30 am. Wire procedure to begin at 7:30 and surgery at 9:00.  The surgery is supposed to last around one and one-half hours. I will be on the fourth floor of Arlington Memorial. Look for the waiting room with the Think Pink party. I had one brief moment of panic when in the pre-assessment time they had written the procedure to be one on the right breast. I immediately (almost shouting) said, “NO! NO!” the nurse got out a clean sheet of paper and started over. This did bring just a bit of panic into my heart.

The circumstances of tomorrow are very serious, but they not out of the realm of God’s protection, strength and healing grace.  So tonight I lift my soul into the hands of the Master Healer and wait in His peaceful presence. The longer I wait in the peaceful presence of the Savior the more abundantly God will fill me with peace, joy and even though my anxious moments will probably not subside until the knock out medicine kicks in I will still know that God is present with me throughout the day and will be found in the hearts and prayers of His people. Thank you all mighty and faithful prayer warriors for your loving support and encouragement. Pray for my family as they travel to be there tomorrow. Pray for Bruce, Geni, Travis, Sarah and Cody as they anxiously wait for updates throughout the morning.  Finally, to quote my beautiful daughter, “Tomorrow will be a day of victory!” God bless you all.

“Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.”
Romans 12: 12
“Rejoice the soul of Your servant, for to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.”
Palm 86: 4
Take joy in the journey singing as you go along. Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink! Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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