Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Tuesday!  Well, I messed up!  But not to the point that it is not able to be fixed.  Bruce’s nurse phone this afternoon to tell me that Bruce’s cumadin level was really low and asking me if we had eaten a lot of green leafy veggies recently. I said, “No.” So we continued to talk and finally figured it out. While Bruce was inpatient at CNS they had prescribed vitamins for him. We ran out of those vitamins and so I purchased a basic men’s one a day vitamin. This vitamin contains a large percentage of Vitamin K. Never mix Vitamin K and cumidin. I pulled the vitamins from his pill planner.  I knew about that from when he began the cumadin  with the heart valve replacement, but I had forgotten. Hopefully the blood draws will be better from now on.  Say a prayer.  My prayer each night for Bruce is, “God, I pray the power that resurrected Jesus would embrace Bruce and heal him restoring his language and speech.” Please join me in this prayer and use it for yourself. God is good and love wins.


And you shall love the Lord your God with all your mind and heart and with your entire being and with all your might.”

Deuteronomy 6:5

The night before Travis and Sarah were married I offered them one piece of advice, “Remember that both of you are works in progress.”  God looks at us as works in progress.  The best thing we can do to progress in this life we lead is to love God with all our heart and mind and with our entire being. Staying focused on God in all of the parts of our lives helps us to return to God when we mess up.   Instead of focusing on the things that went wrong, the hurt we have experienced, the hurt we may have caused and the places of brokenness we have experienced, let us focus on God’s unfailing love for us. We may need to ask for forgiveness from God and the one(s) we love. God loves us when we mess up big or small. God rejoices when we turn to Him so the sanctifying that work began in us when we turned from sin and turned to God for forgiveness and received His holiness can continue because of His great love for us.


Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart filled with gratitude, let us cast our cares upon the Lord and get some sleep. God is up all night anyway so there is no need for all of us to be awake. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene


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