Friday, August 2, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Friday!  Geni and I went to see Bruce tonight. He greeted us with hugs, kisses and grand hellos. There is someone with Bruce at all times in his apartment. That makes me feel really great that he is supervised all the time. The ladies are really sweet and document all of his actions. They help him when he needs help and simply observe when he does not. Upon our arrival he communicated some things he wanted me to bring when I come back tomorrow. He told me he needed brown shoes and brown socks to go with his khaki pants and a belt. Who knew Bruce was fashion conscious! Tonight he ordered pizza for dinner. I am told it was quite an experience! I am so proud of him. Tomorrow he will go on his first outing. The facility gives Bruce $65.00 per week to purchase groceries for himself. Tomorrow he will go to the grocery store and with a chaperone he will make decisions as to what to purchase and work on budgeting skills.  You can write or send cards to Bruce @

Bruce Chrystie

3915 Portland St.

Irving, Texas  75038

Also, Bruce has an unrestricted visitors list. He would love to see you.  He is in Apt. #3855 at the above address.He is there from about 4: 30 pm and can receive visitors until 9:00 pm.


While Bruce is busy getting better I and our children are working on preparing the house for his return. Tomorrow Travis and Geni’s boyfriend will bring their pickup trucks and muscles to begin the trips to storage in preparation for a new ceiling, new floor and new wall coverings for our bedroom. We need some work in the bathroom, but not sure when that will happen. We have some wonderful friends who are going to come in and do the rehab and have it ready for Bruce’s return home. The room will have more space (due to less furniture) and will be so much nicer than when he left and much more suitable for someone who needs a bit more space.  


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11: 28

Sometimes this journey is overwhelming. Bruce is working so hard to recover and I am working so hard to prepare for him to come home.  I look at Bruce and see how tired he is as he begins to yawn around 8:00 because he has worked so hard and I feel the weariness after I have spent the day packing, sorting and trashing. The trash men are going to be weary after just leaving our house tomorrow. But everytime I get tired or weepy I remember that God is my constant Companion just as God is Bruce’s constant companion. God is directing our paths reminding us that we are to take this journey one step at a time.  These steps we take sometimes seem steep and difficult (far more for Bruce than me). But as long as we are moving forward then we are both closer to the goals we have set. And sometimes when the way seems dark the Light of Heaven, the hope in our risen Savior brightens the path and we are blessed and encouraged to continue the journey.  God is good and love wins.

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart filled with gratitude, let us cast our cares upon the LORD for He cares for us and get some sleep. God is up all night anyway and there is no reason for all of us to be awake. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene



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