Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Wednesday! We are in hurry up and wait mode. The insurance company is trying to determine whether Bruce qualifies for inpatient treatment or outpatient. We hope to hear something tomorrow. In the meantime I have been making preparations for his homecoming whenever it happens. The primary task of preparation from Bruce’s return home is creating more space. So there is furniture to be removed, boxes to be packed and shelves to be emptied. Right now the space is pretty cramped. But I think I have some help coming on Saturday to take things to storage. The task seems never ending.  Bruce continues to improve each day. If he goes to outpatient treatment the hospital will pick him up each day and return him home each day. His spirits continue to be good and he remains the facility jokester. He is anxious to move on one way or another. Please continue to pray and we are so very grateful for all of your soaking prayers.

“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.”

Psalm 73: 24

God continues to bless me with assurance that His will in this journey is still in force. No matter what decision the insurance company makes it will be the best for Bruce. The opening line of my meditation tonight is so timely, “I BROUGHT YOU OUT INTO A SPACIOUS PLACE; I RESCUED YOU BECAUSE I DELIGHTED IN YOU.”  I have witnessed God’s perfect timing, healing and grace for a little over two weeks and I give thanks that God has delighted in his servant Bruce and granted him miraculous healing. I am continually reminded that no matter what our circumstances we belong to God our Creator. God has enough space in His heart for all of us and whatever is going on in our lives. The salvation we have been given as a gift of love for all eternity is one of continuous expansion because the Holy Spirit lives inside each of us leading, assuring, teaching, loving and healing us in every breath we take. The greater the space that God takes up in our lives, the greater capacity we have to love and to be loved by our God of all creative love. I will always need more space in our home and I will continue to work until the task is complete. But I will always treasure and give thanks for the never-ending gift of the space that continues to grow in my heart by God’s ever present grace and limitless storehouse of compassion, forgiveness, tender mercies and love.

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart filled with gratitude, let us cast our cares upon the LORD and get some sleep.  God is up all night anyway and there is no reason for all of us to be awake. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene


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