Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy Wednesday! 

What a wonderful Day!  We are in the midst of a Kairos Prison Ministry Weekend.  Bruce is the leader for the weekend. He and a strong team carry the gospel to those 42 residents whom God has set apart for these few days to hear the gospel and carry it out from there to the other residents. It is not the intention of Kairos to get these folks out of prison, but to help then live a life of hope while inside. 

Prayer:  “LORD, you have brought us to this place to do Your will in proclaiming Your Word.  May we each be receptive and attentive to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Today in one of the Chapel times on the support team, we talked about intercessory prayer.  I likened intercessory prayer to lawyers and judges.  We hire lawyers not because they know the law.  We hire lawyers because they know how to talk to judges.  Lawyers communicate our intentions to a judge in language they each understand.  The same is true about praying intercessory prayers through the Holy Spirit.  I would never presume to speak the heavenly language of God, but when we pray to God through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit speaks to God in holy language making our desires and needs known to God.  The Holy Spirit intercedes for us to plead our case.  This kind of prayer is the greatest tool against the enemy we have against the evil one.

As prayer warriors we are praying intercessory prayers for the residents, the team inside and the support staff.  It is powerful praying.  When you pray, remember the power is not in the one who prays, but in the One who hears the prayer. 

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all so very much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

Prayer alert:  Travis goes in for an interview with Starbucks tomorrow to become an assistant manager.  Please offer an extra prayer for him.

Prayer:  Please keep Dave and Carme Russell in your prayers as they inter Dave’s Mother tomorrow and Geni sings the service.  Peace, gc

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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