Thursday, July 22, 2010

Greetings from Austin St.

Greetings from Austin St.

Happy Wednesday! I dropped Bruce off this afternoon at the Poly United Methodist Church. The Emmaus Men’s Walk is being held there this weekend. We arrived in time to celebrate Worship and Eucharist with the men and one woman on the team. She was sort of disappointed when I told her I was leaving. It was such a joy to share Eucharist with Bruce just before he began to serve on this most wonderful weekend. He is serving as secret staff this weekend. I think he called it “stealth staff.” LOL!

Psalm 138: 1 “I will praise You with my whole heart before the gods will I sing praise unto you.”

I have been looking at this paper as a task that is overwhelming. I need to look at this paper as a training ground for the ministry for which I am studying. This paper I am writing is sort of like a mountain. I know the way to overcome a mountain is to climb the mountain and sing a song of praise. Satan has been working really hard to confuse me as I write. But I need to give thanks for the task ahead and then walk on holy ground and not rocky roads. Walking on holy ground means that God will not only walk with me, He will lay the path our before me. Even if the path gets really “rocky” I will not walk the path alone and I will walk with one who is stronger than I. If I praise God and claim this writing in the name of Jesus then I will be given the understanding I seek, my thinking will be clear. I need to remember to pray, give thanks before I write, take a breath (breathe in the Holy Spirit) and then write.

We all have mountains that seem uncrossable in our lives. Whatever your mountain is praise God, give thanks, take a breath (breathe in the Holy Spirit) and start to climb. God will be with you and you will walk on holy ground.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes (maybe hiking boots?), count your blessings and say your prayers. I am praying for each of you. Please pray for my family. Love you all so very much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis

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