Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Saturday!

Today we had our holiday fling. We went to the TCU vs. New Mexico football game today. We had so much fun. TCU kept their record untarnished by defeating the Lobos 51 to 10. We sat behind the band, proudly wore our purple, yelled loud and proud and made the sign of the horned frog all afternoon. It was a great way to end this brief holiday vacation.

Today at the game, heroes were being honored. Military heroes, police officers and fire fighters were also honored. In honor of the fire fighters the TCU Marching Band played Amazing Grace. I had never considered a marching band as a medium for that particular piece, but the band did such a beautiful rendition that the entire stadium was completely silent as the band played. It was so moving.

1 Peter 3:18 “Christ Himself suffered for sins once. He was not guilty, but He suffered for those who are guilty to bring you to God.”

Many of you know that I am somewhat directionally challenged. I do not feel confident in driving to new places by myself. I am pretty much a landmark girl. You know turn right at the Arby’s or go past Wal-Mart and turn in front of the Payless, etc…I am so grateful for the invention of the cell phone and a patient, road-savvy husband who will answer and redirect me when I get lost even if I can’t exactly tell him where I am. He also tells me when I get lost to call him back when and if I need Him again. Thanks darlin’.

In the Christian life however there is only one landmark we need to keep in our sights. We need to keep the cross in our vision. When we get lost or become separated from God we can look to the cross and find our way home. The cross is the one landmark that never moves. Arby’s, Wal-Mart and Payless will pass away someday to make room for something else, but the cross of Christ remains in the same place forever. The cross is where we meet Christ and His forgiveness. The cross is where the most compassionate eyes of love look down at us and tell us how much we are loved. The cross is where instead of our guilt and shame separating us from God, they draw us closer because our sins have been taken away and replaced with forgiveness, love and grace.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and keep Christ in our sight and we will never be lost again. See you in worship. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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