Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy Thursday!

And the saga continues…the electric saga that is. We are adding to the list of no-longer functioning electronic appliances: one air conditioner and possibly one washing machine. This is rapidly climbing in to thousands of dollars. The insurance company has not called us back as of yet, so I think we will call them tomorrow. We are also going to file a claim with the electric company. Wish us luck in trying to recover the “toasted” items. The pile is growing rather large!

Update: Davis Russell has come through the first surgery very well and is resting for the next one to come tomorrow. Please pray for him as he goes through the second surgery and then into recovery. We pray God’s total peace, perfection within the hands of the surgeon and healing and well-being for our friend.

No news on my cousin Danny yet, but I hope to hear something soon. Please keep him in your prayers.

Mark 14:3 As he sat at the meeting, there came a woman having an alabaster jar of ointment of spikenard very precious; and she broke the jar, and poured it on His head.

The spice called “spikenard” is a medicinal spice used in ancient times for fever reduction, pain relief and has calming properties. Spikenard was also used as a spice that anointed the dead. The burial wrappings were soaked in a mixture of fragrant oils and the body was wrapped in these fragrant cloths prior to entombment. Spikenard could be known as the spice of peace. Spikenard is extracted from the root of the shrub in the form of fragrant oil. For Jesus this healing balm was a foretelling of the preparation for His burial.

Jesus was at a gathering of very important people in Jerusalem when this event occurred. This woman crashed the party. She brought this jar of costly oil for one purpose. She wanted to be close to the Master. She felt drawn to Him. The story goes that she was a woman of questionable reputation and this act stopped the party. Jesus recognized this act as the act of a repentant sinner needing to be loved and forgiven. Jesus’ response to this outcast woman was to hush those who were judging at the party and say that she was honoring Him in preparation for His burial.

Peace, true peace is the acceptance of God’s will for our lives. When sorrow and suffering, joy and gladness, difficulty or success, ease or hardship or safety or danger present themselves in our lives we need to surrender all of these things to the will of God and be in Peace. Draw so close to God that the thought of the bonds of love between the King and each of us brings us great joy no matter what the experiences of life are dishing out!

Take joy in the journey and carry an umbrella. Love you all so very much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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