Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Tuesday! (everybody sing!) We’re making a list, packing a bag, gonna make sure there’s nothing we lag. We are leaving in just one day!

Believe it or not we are going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Geni told me today, “Mom, you have never been to one of these midnight showings. The crazies will come out!” I will let you know in tomorrow night’s entry.

FYI Rhonda Banks father entered Arlington Memorial today to begin in patient chemo therapy. Carmella Russell will complete her reconstructive surgery on Thursday. Please keep both of these people and their families in your prayers. I don’t have a recent update on my cousin Cherri but please keep her in your prayers also.

Joshua 1:3 “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that I have given unto you, as I said unto Moses.”

When God spoke these words to Joshua He was telling Joshua of the lands that were promised to the nation of Israel. But not only was God telling Joshua of the lands promised, but was telling Joshua that He (God) would take care of him, his family and the Hebrew people. God promised that His very hand would be present to protect them. God protected the nation of Israel as they crossed the Red Sea. God brought them through the desert. God took them to the Promised Land and a host of other stories of how God powerfully and mightily took care of the Hebrew nation.

As New Testament believers we can rely on this same power. Even though the Israelites got scared and wanted to go back into Egypt and back into slavery(better the devil you know…), God led them on through seas, desert and wilderness until He brought them to the Promised Land. God is relentless in wanting the same for us. He does not want us to go backwards in our faith. God wants us to always go forward. When we fall into sin, God, through Jesus, grants us forgiveness and lets us begin again from where we fell. God does not want us to go back and retrace our steps (back into familiar, comfortable, sinful territory), but to begin anew in forgiveness and grace.

The last few weeks as we have been planning this trip I have carried around guilt and sorrow because our family is one man down. I have not allowed the full joy that God wants for us to be present because I really miss Casey and know how much he would have enjoyed this trip. Yes, I know Casey’s life is far better than a cruise ship. God has given us an opportunity to place our feet on new soil and to experience a brief journey on His ocean creation. God expects us to go forward in our lives of faith no matter what. If I don’t allow myself to experience all of the joy this time can hold then I am living in sin and not experiencing and claiming His promises. I am not “taking joy in the journey!” Wrong!!!

Friends, God has placed opportunities before each of us. Don’t be fearful, sad or guilty about God’s plan to use each of us wherever we are. When we take joy in the journey then God works in us to His good purpose.

Take joy in the journey and stay in the shade. Love you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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