Friday, May 1, 2009

Greetings from Starbucks!

Happy May Day! This writing does some serious traveling to get to you. This writing begins at 811 Austin St. It then travels to Starbucks through the wi-fi to Bruce in Wichita Falls and then to the blogsite and finally to you. Wow! I called AT&T this morning and ordered internet service through them. That is the good news. However the service and equipment will not be delivered until Tuesday. Ah..delays.

Isaiah 55:9 says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Today I went to a tanning salon. I do not tan very well. In fact, I burn real well and I am old enough to avoid the pain of sunburn. So, as I usually do before I try something new that will make a change I researched and talked to the company and to friends who have done this procedure. I went through the procedure and when I walked out I did not look any different than when I walked in. The staff told me that I could expect color in about 2 hours and full development in about 12. I was not changed immediately. The effect for which I am hoping will be delayed until the solution works with the pigment in my skin and I have the color I desire. If this is not the color I like then I can go back until the desired change meets my expectation. But I have to wait.

We live in a world of instant gratification. We use microwave ovens, text messaging, IM’s, email, cell phones, faxes, drive through windows and someone in a green apron who will brew the perfect cup of coffee and hand it to you almost before you order it (if they are a really good barista). I want a tan, but do not want to spend the hours it takes to lay in the sun.

So here is the question of the day. How many times do we talk to the Father and expect Him to answer our request with the speed of a text message or a spray on tan? We do not like to stand in lines or wait for anything. We do not like lag time or silence. So when we pray somewhere in our thinking we expect God to answer our prayers like we put money in a soda machine. We put in our requests and out pops an answer.

Isn’t it the most loving thing that our heavenly Father does not have a microwave mind or heart when it comes to answering our prayers? God hears and answers all of our prayers. But because God is God He lovingly answers in not only His time, but in the time that is right for His children. God takes the time to work out the answer and plan for and accomplish the desire in the most wonderful way possible for us. I personally rest in the knowledge of God’s love and grace for me and know that He only has my best interest in His heart. And I, in this world of instant, immediate gratification must learn to trust in the timing and seeming delays of the One who loves me so much that He chose to hang on a cross for many hours in suffering, prolonging His pain longing enough so that the thief next to Him could rise with Him to paradise.

Pray and wait with joy in the knowledge that God will answer with a heart that is faithful in the accomplishment of His desires in you.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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