Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Wednesday! We went to the mid-week Lenten service tonight. The coolest thing happened. I was sitting in the sound booth with Bruce and at the end of the service, Addie, our music director, came over to me and told me a woman sitting on the back row with her family was here because of Casey. I went over to talk with her and it was one of Casey’s nurses from AMH. She and her family came to church because of the witness of Christ in Casey. I was so happy to see them and felt so very proud of my son.

1 Samuel 15:22 says, “What pleases the Lord more; burnt offerings and sacrifices or obedience to His voice? It is better to obey than to sacrifice. It is better to listen to God than to offer the fat of sheep.”

I love prayer. I don’t know what I would do if I could not pray to God. Prayer has become such an important part of my life. And the part of prayer I am so beginning to enjoy is the being quiet before God. It is through listening that I am learning to be obedient. Our church’s Lenten study is on becoming a House of Prayer. The scripture lessons are all focused on prayer in all of its aspects. Tonight’s lesson was on Hannah’s prayer. Hannah was the mother of Samuel. Hannah wanted more than anything to have a child and it did not seem to be in the plan for her. She prayed a fervent prayer and told God if He would give her a child then the child would be dedicated to Him and His service. Samuel’s birth was a product of his mother’s faith and her prayer life. And Samuel became one of the most powerful prophets in the Old Testament. Samuel was the prophet who anointed the youngest son of Jesse, David, to serve God as king of Israel.

When I spent time in Houston with Casey at MDA, God spoke to me and told me that His glory would be revealed in Casey’s healing. Casey never got well, but he was healed. Casey was not healed on this side of heaven, but he is most assuredly healed now.

Tonight God’s promise was affirmed tonight in the family that visited Advent who were looking for a church. They came because of the life of Christ they saw in Casey. Casey was a mighty prayer warrior.

God would rather us listen to Him in obedience and with an open heart than make sacrifices. Jesus came to teach. Jesus selected those who were teachable (even Peter!) and would listen so the ministry would continue after His death and resurrection.

Where is the house of prayer in our lives? If our bodies are the temple of God and God dwells in His temple through the Holy Spirit then we can be a house of prayer wherever we are. I am so glad, because my drive time is one of my most precious times of the day. In the morning it’s just God, me and I-30 west. Our time dedicated to God is precious and God honors that time. Take time to open the door into your own house of prayer and God will meet you there.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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