Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Monday!! Spring Break! I have had coffee with God this morning. And I actually did not get up until about 8:00. For me, that is sleeping in!!

I have not written since Friday as I have been a part of the Happening Weekend # 39. The weekend was phenomenal. We had a total team of 30 with staff and participants. The weekend event was held at Advent Lutheran Church in Arlington. We cannot begin to say enough “thank yous” to Advent for their hospitality in meeting all of the needs of the weekend with such a spirit of grace and radical hospitality. Thank you, Advent.

God reigned over this weekend and the presence of the Holy Spirit was truly felt by all in attendance. The most wonderful outcome of this weekend is that everyone who attends whether staff or participant comes away with a closer walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The community of faith, body of Christ, has been increased and strengthened several fold in just a few short hours.

On a change of subject, due to weird electrical problems, we have been without internet for the last three days. Hopefully you will receive this writing today and our electrical issues will be solved. I ask for your prayers for this week. I have two papers I need to write and a mid-term for which to prepare. So I pray for focus and increased writing skills as I write academic papers. I am a fair devotion writer, but I have a long way to go to write academically. And my papers have to be emailed into my professor. I am counting on your prayers and thank you so much.

Mark 14: 33 says, “Jesus took Peter, James and John with Him, and He began to be very sad and troubled.”

I have been serving on Happening weekends for 6 years. I served as Observing Mom on the weekend when Casey served as Rector (youth leader of the weekend). I served as Spiritual Director for the first time on the weekend when Geni served as a Rector. This weekend I served as Spiritual Director as Travis served as Rector. I have also served on all of the weekends in between. I don’t know as to how many times I have been a part of these weekend events, but there have been many.

This weekend was profoundly different for you see it is the first weekend in 6 years I have served and Casey has not been on the team. Those who have known Casey felt his absence quite profoundly. On Saturday evening we all walk the Stations of the Cross. All three of my children have served as the priest as the dying Christ shares His final hours of life. Travis found the strength to say the words of sadness and sorrow of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with authority and strength of heart. After walking the Stations of the Cross the congregation is given the opportunity to spend time at the altar or at their seats as a time of reflection of what they have experienced. After some time of quietness, Geni, with the voice of an angel, begins to sing these words, “Deliver me, from all of the sadness…” shortly she is joined in the singing by her brother, Travis.

As far as I know, Jesus did not sing to His Father, but He certainly expressed the words of this passage of scripture. In this moment Jesus is not recognizing His divinity, but experiencing His humanity. He is reflecting on leaving the friends and family He has grown to love as well as looking at the horrific death He is about to experience. When Jesus goes to the garden (read the entire passage of Mark14: 27—52 for the whole story) He takes His friends of Peter, James and John. Jesus needs someone with whom to share His sorrow and sadness.

When you are sad, sorrowing or suffering do you like for someone to be with you? Maybe you don’t want to talk, but just the closeness of a friend or family member creates an atmosphere of not being alone. Jesus needed to speak to His Father, but He also needed to have His closest friends close by for support. (I know they fell asleep and that is a story for another entry.)

The next time you are sad, suffering or troubled, remember the garden. Go to the garden of prayer. Take a friend. The power of prayer is the most powerful way we communicate with the Father and He hears us. He hears and understands our sorrows and troubles because He has been there Himself. Even though the reasons for going to the garden may not be reasons of joy, be thankful we can go to the garden at anytime and Jesus will meet us there.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

Thank you for your companionship, Bruce & Gaylene. If ever I needed to visit the garden, not only would I want y'all there with me, I know I wouldn't have to worry about y'all falling asleep!

Companionship... what a wonderful thought. Have you noticed that Jesus took the same three disciples with Him on these journeys: Peter, James, and John. Jesus took them to the garden, to the transfiguration mountain, to the house of the religious leader who's daughter was dying. I wonder what Jesus saw in them to want to bring them along every time? I wonder if Jesus would see that in me? What an honor that would be.

Blessings to y'all, as always. See y'all Wednesday.

PS: Right after the part where you wrote about having to turn in two papers, my immediate thought was "Hello! Print out this blog!" And then you wrote "I am a fair devotion writer, but I have a long way to go to write academically." I'm no expert, but I sure wouldn't say that!
