Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy and blessed Sunday to you all! Worship was excellent today. And I finished my mid-term review. There is one question about Luther and justification by grace. The answer I have prepared for this question is almost two pages long. I figure since I am the token Lutheran in the entire seminary if that question is presented then I am duty bound to answer. There are 8 questions for which to prepare. Six questions will be presented. I will be asked to choose 3. Pray for me and wish me luck.

I am using the study notes from the new Lutheran Study Bible. I just received our Bibles today. Bruce and I each have a bible and we donated one to the church in memory of Casey. I think Casey would have liked that.

Worship was wonderful today. Pastor Marc Hander preached today in Pastor Joel’s absence. Pastor Marc read from the book of Nehemiah the first chapter. The first chapter is a prayer for forgiveness of sins. The prayer is spoken by Nehemiah. Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the king. What a terrible job. The cup bearer to the king had the job of selecting the wine prior to it being served to the king to make sure the king did not receive poison wine. Such a role, as cupbearer, Nehemiah had frequent access to the king. Nehemiah spoke of God’s chosen people. When he prayed this prayer he asked God for the forgiveness of the sins of His chosen people.

Nehemiah called the nation of Israel by their name; God’s chosen people.

Names seem to attract our attention. When we were baptized we, too, were given a name. We were named “children of God.” In the book of John chapter 8, you will find the story of the adulterous woman. She had a name. Not a very nice one, but Jesus changed all of that. When she was identified by her sin, Jesus asked the others who were ready to stone her for the ones who were without sin to cast their stones. Then Jesus identified each of her accusers by their sins with the writing in the sand. After they all walked away Jesus said, “Your sins are forgiven; now go and sin no more.” Jesus gave her a new name; child of God.

Jesus is the cupbearer for our sins. We are offered the cup each week and in that cup is forgiveness. Jesus says to us the same thing, “Your sins are forgiven, now go and sin no more.” We are called to be the cupbearer for Christ. We are asked to offer the cup of forgiveness to all just as Christ did so long ago and just as He does each moment and day of our lives. The cool thing is that cup never runs dry. No matter how many times we sin and even if we commit the same sins over and over again, the cup is still offered and complete forgiveness is given. With so much forgiveness given to us, how can we not forgive those who (as the prayer says) “sin against us.”

We are called to be the cupbearer for Christ. Jesus forgave us all of our sins now and forever and calls us by His name; we are children of God. Offer the cup to all who are in need. We can offer it with the assurance that the wine is perfect because we have total access to the King.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all and have a great week. Love, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

PS Tomorrow evening Bruce and I will travel to Denton to watch Geni be inducted into the Tau Sigma National Honor Society. We are so proud of our daughter. Travis will travel at the end of the week to New York with the Lamar Choir for competition. Bruce will travel to the San Antonio area to the funeral of Buck Wunderlich and then to visit Carme and Dave. We ask your travel mercy on all of family travels this week. God bless you all. gc

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