Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Wednesday! Did you see those clouds today? Is God’s handiwork amazing or what? Thank you for the prayers for Bruce’s safe return. He did arrive home safe and sound and tonight I think both of us will sleep better than we did last night. Also, major apologies for the scripture snafu last night. The scripture was supposed to read Luke 1: 78 not 7,8. I think I must have been still recovering from the mid-term. A misplaced comma can really make a difference.

A first grade funny: Each year in March our first grade classes study Texas. At the end of the month we hold a building wide chili cook-off and then the first graders challenge their parents to a game of Are You Smarter Than a First Grader? Texas Edition. Anyway as the classes were practicing their Texas Trivia facts today the question “Name the drink made and bottled in Dublin, Texas” was asked to one of the children. His response was “Bud Lite!” (the correct response is Dr. Pepper) We laughed at that for the rest of the day.

Numbers 5: 5-6 and part of 7 says, “The Lord spoke to Moses saying, ’Speak to the Israelites: When a man or woman wrongs another, breaking faith with the Lord, that person incurs guilt and shall confess the sin that has been committed’. ”

Tonight Pastor Joel’s message was about forgiveness and prayer. He used the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32) as his basis for the message. But he pointed out that our need for confession and forgiveness is rooted in the Old Testament scripture in Numbers. You know this passage is pretty straight forward. When we wrong each other we not only break the relationship with our spouse, child (ren), family member or friend; we break our relationship with God. The sin of the prodigal son was very identifiable. This kid made really bad choices and when there was nothing left to do but either go home or die, the boy went home. He confessed his sin to his father who welcomed him back with open arms and a party to celebrate his homecoming.

As parents, when our children confess to us something they have done as wrong, we usually don’t throw them a party. If one of our children makes a bad choice and tells us about it there are usually consequences, but no balloons and party hats. I am not sure if the prodigal son received consequences of his actions from his father or if the trials he suffered due to his own choices were all of the consequences he needed or what, but, I do know that this young man came to his father and said I do not deserve to even be your son. I am sorry and I need to come home if your will have me.

God looks on us in the same way. God sent Jesus to stand in our place before the Father and plead for our forgiveness. Then God works it out. Pastor spoke about all of the parts of forgiveness. He talked about confession (telling), repentance (changing) and finally forgiveness. Our forgiveness comes from the extraordinary, unconditional love of God the Father through His son Jesus Christ. Our forgiveness comes from the crucified Christ. All sins were paid in full on that day. Our lives were changed forever on that day and we live by God’s grace in the power outflowing from the risen Christ. So friends, confess your sins to Christ. There is nothing He has not seen or heard before and He loves us so much that He wants to live in relationship with us now and forever.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

PS Pray travel mercy for the Lamar Choirs as they travel to New York City for competition and sightseeing. Thanks, gc.

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