Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Thursday! We got home last night and I was so tired, we just went to bed. Carme came through her surgery with flying colors. Shaleena (her daughter) and I spent the night with her in the hospital. We left Carme in the care of her mother in the hospital, but on our way home we received a call from Carme telling us the doctors were releasing her later in the afternoon(Wednesday). She got home about the same time on Wednesday that we did. With school and everything else going on today, I have not checked with her to see how she is doing.

Everything that could go right with this surgery went right. The original plan was to do a latissimus flap. That means that they were going to cut the muscles in her back and stretch the skin around for the breast reconstruction. The plan changed and a different procedure was performed that made the flap unnecessary. It shortened the surgery by four hours and will end up shortening her recovery time. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!

2 Peter 1:19 says, “We have one prophetic word confirmed which you do well to heed.” On Monday, my class celebrated Groundhog Day. I have a Build-a-Bear named “Murray” who lives in the winter in a Gevalia coffee box during the winter. On February 2, all of the first graders gather to see if Murray sees his shadow. Murray becomes a weather forecaster just like Punxsutawney Phil, the official groundhog for our country. Part of the groundhog story is legend, but it has a grain of truth. None the less the groundhog is still a forecaster, a predictor or a guesser. Sometimes he is right and sometimes he is wrong. But there is One whose word is never wrong. God’s Word is always true. In God’s Word you can trust. God doesn’t guess; He knows. So the next time you are faced with a tough choice and you don’t know what to do, pray and ask God to lead you to His Word that will assure you and let you know what His Word is for you. When the world is full of speculation, God’s Word is certain and in God’s Word you can trust!!!

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Gene, and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

PS Just an FYI: Groundhog Day was began by German settlers in the United States who observed Candleamas Day, which is the day of Mary’s purification. There is always supposed to be a bright sunny day for this celebration. February 2 is mid-winter. Game (wild critters) stirs around this time and they begin to come out of hibernation to check the temperature. If it is bright sunny day and there are no clouds then there is no insulation in which to hold in the heat. The groundhog comes out, sees his shadow and because it is cold he goes back to sleep. (not a bad plan!) If it is cloudy then there is more heat and he stays up. Just a bit of religious, historical trivia. Now you are as smart as a first grader!

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

Hallelujah and Praise the Lord! Thank you God for saying YES to us this time on Carme's behalf! Thank you for getting Bruce and Gaylene safely home! Thank you for taking the guesswork out of everything, and forgive me when I still try to guess anyway.

Glad you guys are home. See y'all Sunday.
