Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blessed Sunday! I think Sunday may be my favorite day of the week. I do love worship so very much. I had a moment during worship this morning that I had not expected. During communion we were singing He Is Exalted. As I was singing I pictured Casey’s face and saw him singing. Casey was singing at the feet of the Father and his face was so full of joy as he sang. The tears flowed pretty hard and as Bruce held me I shared with him the vision I had while singing. As much as I miss Casey I was so very glad that he was singing the praises of His heavenly Father on Sunday morning sitting at the feet of Jesus. Casey was surrounded by the members of heaven and they were all singing. I know I can only imagine what heaven is like, but I am sure that the singing must be totally awesome. Knowing that Casey is with Jesus helps with the pain of the sorrow of him not being with us on earth. Like I have said before, Casey will never come to us again, but we will one day be reunited with him for all eternity. That brings me to a place of peace.

I spoke with Carme this evening and she is getting anxious about the surgery on Tuesday. Her mother arrived safely tonight, having driven from Indiana (1,400 miles!) in two days. She is a better woman than me. Carme’s surgery is scheduled for Tuesday at 12:30 pm. She will need to be at the hospital at around 10:30 for pre-op procedures. She has asked me to sing Amazing Grace to her before she goes into the OR. She says to tell all of you thank you for your continued prayers. Bruce and I are leaving after school tomorrow to head for San Antonio. We will return on Wednesday evening.

Today has been a bit weird. We took two cars into the shop for repairs tonight and the dryer stopped heating. For old SNL fans, Rosanna Rosannadanna would say, “If it’s not one thing it’s another.” Realizing these are just a few of life’s inconveniences, but aggravating and inconvenient none the less. All are fixable, just a bit untimely!

Philippians 2: 13 says, “It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” Our friends Carme and Dave are about to experience a dramatic change in their lives. Cancer changes everyone’s life. Aside from the obvious physical changes that will occur, the changes I wish to share with you are the ones in which Carme has shared with me.

First, she has shared with me that she and Dave have spent more time in prayer together than they ever had in their married life. Next, she has shared with me that the new church they have joined has wrapped their arms around them are providing such wonderful support. And last she has shared how all of the prayers from everyone, those she knows and those who are paying that she does not know have been felt so strongly and lovingly and will carry her all the way through surgery and recovery. God has done good works in Carme and Dave and in all of us because of His love for all of us. The scripture says “He does this for His pleasure.” God loves us and does good works in us because it makes Him feel good. Isn’t it amazing that God deems us worthy enough to do good works in us just because He loves us and wants to show us that love?

What good works does God do in us? I don’t know, but I am glad that God knows me well enough to know that without Him I can do no good work, but with God I can do what He bids me to do. Open your heart. Pray a little more. Wrap your arms around one who needs some comfort and care and give thanks to God who loves us enough to desire to work in us His good pleasure.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.


Al Rearick said...

Thank you for sharing so much: your vision of Casey, the struggles and triumphs of Carme, and your insight into the Bible verse.

You asked "What good works does God do in us? I don’t know" I know that it is humility that keeps you from answering that question, as well as the realization that if we do start to list those things, we open the door for Satan to come in and start puffing up our ego so that we forget that it is the Lord who gives us the strength and the will to do those things. (Wow! That was quite a run-on for 7:08 am and no coffee!) Point is, if you really and truly don't know, I'll be happy to give you a list, starting with how you guys have touched our family, and especially the bond that has been created between Bruce and Nathan. Nothing warms my heart more than to see my son looking up to Godly men like Bruce; as a father, I know we always worry who our kids are looking up to. I thank God that Nathan has Bruce. Nathan will tell Bruce things he won't tell me simply because I'm his dad and that's just how life goes. When I was a teen, the man who I talked to a lot was Dick Wentzel; that man, along with Pastor Hildner, got me through the last two years of high school, and I thank God that He placed them in my life. (Speaking of the Wentzels, they don't age at all. I don't know what their secret is, but I've known them for 20 years now, and they look just as young now as they did when I first met them!)

Well, enough rambling for one day. I wish others would clog yer blog; I feel like I'm using up all the bandwidth!

Have a great week and a safe trip. My prayers go with y'all.


Al Rearick said...

Oops, forgot I wanted to share this: our visions of Casey differ a little in that, while we both imagine him singing, yours is more of an angelic choir, while my vision is more of a karaoke setting! I can just see him, microphone in hand, rocking back & forth to the beat of the music, singing his heart out to cheers and "Amens!"

More clog for yer blog,

P.S. The "word verification" for this post is "ingas." Make of THAT what you will; I think God may be trying to tell me something! :)