Blessed Sunday to you all!
Worship was amazing this morning. Pastor spoke on “Has the recession hit your house?” The passages of scripture were from 1 Kings and the story of the widow and Elijah and then from the Gospel of Mark and the story of the widow’s mite. I have heard these stories all of my life through Sunday School, but today I heard them with a different understanding.
1 Kings17: 8-16 and Mark 12: 41-44 “ (13) Elijah said, “Do not be afraid; go and do as you have said; but first make me a little cake of it and bring it to me, and afterwards make something for yourself and your son.”
I have heard this story all of my life, but I never paid attention to the second phrase of this verse “…and afterwards make something for yourself and your son.” OMG! If you read the 1 Kings passage it says that the woman had enough meal, oil and water to make something for her son and then she was going to die. She was a widow. There was no more food and no more money. She knew she was going to starve to death and so was her son after this last meal. Then here comes this man…he asks for water and for her to take her last food and give it to him. Can you imagine this woman? Here she only had enough to feed her son and this man who says he is from God is asking not only for all she had, but for the last she would have? What is she to do? There must have been a lot of faith in the air that day because she made this stranger a cake of flour and oil and gave him the last of her water.
Now fast forward to the little house and the widow baking the small cake. As soon as she prepares the cake, she goes back to tidy up her empty kitchen and there in her jar is flour, and in her pottery jar some oil and in her well, water. Her needs were met out of her faith and obedience to God, to the kindness to a stranger and God’s great compassion to those who are in need. God not only fed her for a day, but restored her faith and fed her and her son until the drought was over.
Jesus emptied Himself out of His obedience and faithfulness to God. He gave love and forgiveness to all whether stranger or friend. God continues to feed each one of us by His Word and His Holy Spirit each day.
Is there a drought at your house? There is one at ours right now. Our prayers are that God will meet our needs for each day out of His love and compassion for us. Our prayer is also that we will be in a spirit of obedience and have a heart of faithfulness to the God who loves us so much. We will be in prayer for all of you, too.
Take joy in the journey and pack your own lunch from home! Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
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