Monday, November 17, 2008

Welcome to Monday. At school we count the days prior to a holiday. FWISD gets the entire thanksgiving week off. So today, it was one down and four to go. I think I am ready for a break. I have a busy week planned, but it is a week of doing the catch-up things I have put off for a while.

Psalm 9: 1 says, “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Today I worked late at school getting my grades entered on the computer and emailed to Mrs. Lisa. Every six weeks my grades are due by 9:00 am on Tuesday after the last day of the six weeks. All of my papers were graded and the grades were entered in my gradebook and some were already entered on the computer program. Today I finished entering the grades on the program and the program is so smart that it averages the grades for me. I submitted them as complete late this afternoon. It felt so great to have this completed a bit ahead of time. I did not even bring any school work home with me tonight. (Now there’s a first in a long time!) My life is such that I have to schedule projects on a given day and set as my goal to complete them. Today’s goal was to finish entering my grades on the computer and submit them. It is finished!

I am reminded of the story and mission of Jesus. He was born to walk the road to the cross. When Jesus was baptized at the Jordan River by John the Baptizer, He knew that all roads from that moment on must lead to the cross. Jesus had three years to gather a group of followers, preach His Father’s Word, heal in His Father’s name and love with His Father’s heart. Upon entry into Jerusalem on that final week, Jesus knew there was no turning back. He would have a last meal with His closest friends and then He would not see them again. He taught them everything He needed to teach and submitted Himself into the hands of the world at His Father’s bidding. On that Friday He declared “It is finished!”

But was it really finished? Not by a long shot. Jesus earthly life was over, but God was not finished with His plan. He sent back His very essence, His Holy spirit to live within us forever. Jesus life had come full circle and then His mission was complete. He began as spirit within His mother’s womb. He lived on earth as a man. Then He returned as spirit to live within us forever.

Is our mission complete? Not by a long shot. Just like my grades, it is a continuous process. Our mission is to tell the story and submit our lives to the One who gave His life for us and chose to live within us beyond His death. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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