Thursday, February 6, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy BrrrrrrrrrrrThursday!  All is well here at 811. We pray that all of you are well, warm and safe in your homes.  We also pray for those who are without heat and shelter to find shelter and warmth somewhere.  As for me and B…it is fragrant hot tea, snuggled under blankets on the couch and watching Skyfall. 

God, help me to end each day by whispering an amen to you as I go to sleep and to wake up each morning with a hallelujah in my heart. As I live more with You each day let me not fear to ask forgiveness.  It is only through your grace-filled forgiveness that I have the freedom to grow closer to you and experience your love.  I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

I love the story of the unnamed woman who crashed the party of the Pharisee and bathed the feet of Jesus with the jar of costly oil and then wiped them clean with her tears. She offered her neediness at the feet of the Savior and knew that only Jesus could meet her need and relieve her of her guilt.  She offers her gift of humility in a public place. Then Jesus declares her forgiven as he submits to her ministering and the most remarkable thing occurs. She empties herself as she empties the jar at the feet of Jesus. Her heart is filled with love and begins to overflow.  She allowed Jesus to forgive her deepest shame.  This woman exposed her greatest weaknesses and in turn the power of loving forgiveness shined its most brilliant. Her response to this act of grace was to act in profound worship.

So I guess the question for tonight is when we ask forgiveness from Jesus, how do we respond? Are we humble enough to ask for forgiveness and admit our neediness before God and sit at the feet of the Savior?  And are we so filled with overflowing joy, love and thanksgiving that we find ourselves changed and able to forgive others because we have been forgiven?  Just some thoughts on this cold wintery night.
“Her sins, which are many; have been forgiven, for she loved much.”
Luke 7: 47
“O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask your aid.”
Psalm 86: 5
Take joy in the journey remembering that hope, faith and prayer does not disappoint. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Wear comfortable shoes, extra socks and get some sleep.  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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