Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter Monday!

Romans 12:9-10 says, “Let love be genuine, hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection, outdo one another in showing honor.”

Sometimes I take those quizzes online. You know the ones that ask you to remember the colors of certain products, or can you tell the candy by the wrappers without seeing the names of the products or other similar questions. The quizzes are simply asking can you tell these products by their markings without seeing the name of the product. Every product on the market tries to “outdo” each other using marketing techniques to make their product stand out above all others. The product companies want you to be able to recognize their product by the markings.

What are the markings in your life that tell others for what you stand? Do others know you because of your designer clothes or do they know you because the Master Designer has clothed you with righteousness? Are you marked by where you work or by the work of Christ in your life? Are you marked by “Good morning Lord! Or Good Lord, it’s morning?”

The marks of faithful believers are love, faithfulness, obedience and prayer. God asks us to let our love be real. God’s love for us is as real as it gets. God, through Jesus, is the model of perfect love. God showed His love for the woman caught in adultery. Even though she was a sinful woman and chose a life of sin, Jesus loved her so much that He forgave her and honored her by announcing His identity to her by the well.

Jesus wore the marks of His love as He hung on the cross. He bore the marks of the nails and the thorns out of love for us. He made that sacrifice once and for all so we do not have to make the sacrifice ourselves.
What are the markings of Christ in your life? Can others tell that Christ is in your life by your love? Do you hate what is evil? Do you genuinely love one another with holiness, loving one another with Godly love? Just throwing this out there…

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.


I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

PS Do you love the picture of our house? Bruce, Geni and Travis did the painting. Our nephew, Ryan Kountz and his daughter, Bianca, helped too. Thank you, family.

PSS Tomorrow night Travis will sing with the Arlington Master Choral at the Meyerson Concert Hall in Dallas. The same concert is being performed at Trinity Methodist Church in Arlington on Thursday evening. We are choosing to attend the Meyerson performance because as of tonight, we will have now heard all three kids sing at the Meyerson. gc

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