Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Saturday. I did not get to sleep in today as Travis had to be at Arlington High early for the Region Clinic and concert today but I did get to stay in bed for about an hour and drink a cup of coffee and watch TV. It was wonderful. Bruce went to Decatur. Travis to Arlington High and Geni went with a friend in Mansfield. It was a nice quiet time for just a little while. Geni and I then joined Nichole Burkholder for a wonderful 2 ½ hour breakfast and girl time. We had the most wonderful visit. Then Geni and I went into Macy’s to purchase wallets and got Estee Lauder Makeovers and our pictures made. It was so much fun. The makeovers and pictures were completely spontaneous. We have never had our picture made together and it was so much fun. Then the concert this evening was really nice and Geni and I looked really good!! (LOL!)

Matthew 12: 50 says, (Jesus said,) “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” You remember this story. One of the disciples comes up to Jesus and tells Him that His family is waiting to see Him and Jesus replies, “Who is my mother?” This question always bothered me. This just goes to prove that Jesus was not born of a Texas “mama” for if He had said that and it got back to His mama I feel pretty sure that dire consequences would have been levied. I always felt that Jesus was close to His mother and always treated her with respect and so why would He ask this question? When this question was asked, Jesus was teaching a group of people. I have always looked as Jesus as a teacher and a master of the “teachable moment.” He was trying to make a point.

Bruce was sharing with a friend of ours the other day about our blood family and our family of choice. Our blood family is ours and there is nothing we can do to alter that fact. It is also known as our family of origin. We do not get to choose the family into which we were born. The blood which flows through our veins is the product of our heritage. Our DNA can be traced back to our parents, grandparents etc.

Our family of choice, on the other hand, is comprised of the friends and brothers and sisters in Christ with whom we live, work, share and worship. The blood which connects our family of choice is the blood of Jesus. The verse tonight tells us that “whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.” The only way we become children of God and brothers and sisters in Christ is through the shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Scripture tells us that He died for all, not just for those who birthed him and grew up around His dinner table in Nazareth. What an amazing heritage Jesus gives to us. We are God’s children and brothers and sisters to Christ. We carry Christ’s DNA because of the cross.

A while after Casey died Bruce placed webshots on my computer. Then he downloaded a lot of pictures of Casey, Geni and Travis. Those pictures have become my screen saver and they run as a continuously running slide show. When I look at those pictures I see the striking resemblances of our children not only to each other, but to Bruce and me. I see how very much Casey looks like me and how much Travis and Geni look like Bruce and each other. I also remember when the pictures were taken and the situations in which the photos were shot. They are all happy memories.

If Jesus opens His photo album and looks at our pictures will He see Himself in us? Will He see His Word written on our hearts? Will He see us acting in kind and loving ways to others? When He looks at our faces and into our hearts will He see the image of Himself? It makes you want to practice looking in the mirror doesn’t it?

Take joy in the journey my friends and smile - God’s camera is focused on us. See you in church. Love you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

Once again, I wish I'd read these BEFORE I saw you at church today. These last two have were direct, challenging, and (if I'm honest) a little depressing because I know the answer to each day's question.... and I'm not very proud of those answers.

One of these days, I will find that joy. If I'm really fortunate, it will find me first.

Al, the old wineskin