Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Tuesday!  All is well here at 811.  Thank you for your prayers for Travis. The procedure went perfectly, but they told him because of the strength of the sedation medicine he could not be alone following the extractions and fillings. So he came to our house and slept through the afternoon until Sarah was finished at school.  He was pretty miserable. Please continue to pray for him.  Thank you.

God, thank you for your love, compassion, and grace. Thank you for being patient with me and for always forgiving me when I ask for forgiveness. Lord, you know I am working on a talk about gratitude and ordination review. Thank you for being present as I study for both of these important events. Thank  you for the insight into a passage of scripture that has always puzzled me and understanding that enables me to follow you and your will for me more closely.  Thank you for being with Travis today and help him sleep through the night with less pain. May tomorrow be easier for him. I love you Lord, in Jesus’ name ,amen.

Tonight my meditation defines insight as “Insight enables you to see the big picture and read between the lines of the little one.   It helps you take things apart to analyze, and put them together to actualize.”  When I am asked to preach or present a talk that is scripture based I do several things. I read a passage from different translations. I read commentaries and the exegetical works of others. I pray about the passage and all of the reading I have done about the passage and then usually a question rises to the top. When that happens then I begin to put the pieces together of the talk I am to give. 

In our lives hindsight recalls to us where we have been. Foresight lets us know where we are going, but insight allows us to understand where we are in our lives right now so we can move forward.  Insight occurs when God’s wisdom comes to our mind.  It is through prayer and study that God’s wisdom shines the light on the work we are meant to accomplish or questions we have been asking or what to do in situations we find ourselves not knowing what to do.  Godly insight helps us see inside ourselves so we can move forward in faithful response to the wisdom we have been given.

“If any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God, who will give it to you; because God gives generously and graciously to all.”
James 1: 5

Take joy in the journey praying as you go. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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