Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Wednesday!  All is well here at 811. I did go to the doc today about my finger. My right hand did not know what my left hand was doing and let us just say that the infusion blender won and I lost.  The pad of my left index finger looks pretty rough, but foes not feel too bad. Doc told me I did a great job of bandaging. He put steristrips on the wounds, rebandaged and put on the finger splint. He gave me antibiotics and told me to leave the splint on for 5 days.  If you only knew how many typos I have had to correct just in this writing.  Bruce and Geni took the day off from the room project, but will pick it up again tomorrow. Travis is coming to help for a while tomorrow.  Please pray for these wonderful people as they work together to rehab this bedroom.  The candle is lit…a prayer for all of us tonight.

Dear God, You are able, dear God, to do far more with us than we are able to do with ourselves. Lord, we trust your power, see your wisdom, claim your healing grace and offer our wills over to your leadership.  We love you Lord, in Jesus’ name, amen.

“With a strong hand and with a stretched out arm:  for his mercy endures forever. To him who divided the Red Sea into parts; for his mercy endures forever.”
Psalm 136: 12-13

Take joy in the journey relying on the enduring love of God. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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