Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy Friday!

Spring Break is here! I realize we got a serendipitous early break with the days of ice and snow, but have you ever noticed if you get some unexpected time off then you are not sure what to do with your time? But when you know time off is coming you plan for that time. Well, I do have different events planned for spring break including a 6:00 AM breakfast with a friend. And tomorrow I am going to Sherman to see Mom. She sounded a bit tired today and is still having trouble with some low blood pressure.

Prayer: “Heavenly Father, I ask for a righteous heart that is worthy of your praise. Keep me from temptation, and guard me from the wiles of the devil. Allow me to serve and bless You today. Amen”

Proverbs 12: 13-14 “The wicked is ensnared by the transgression of his lips, but the righteous will come through trouble. A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth, and the recompense of a man’s hands will be rendered to him.”

Galatians 6:7 restates this passage in a much simpler text, “Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” These two verses from Proverbs and Galatians hold deep truth. In my classroom I demand that the children always tell the truth. I talk to them a lot about how important truth and trust are and how being truthful is always important for others to trust them. I also tell them that if they do wrong and then lie about it then they have now done two things wrong and the punishment will be that much worse. Just tell the truth and be done with it.

This passage talks about living in truth. We as Christians have every reward at our fingertips to live and act in truth. But the truth is that we do not always act in truth or in righteous ways. As children of God and brothers and sisters to Christ we are made righteous through faith, belief and forgiveness. We may be able to lie to ourselves and others, but we can never lie to God. As our Creator, God knows us better than we know ourselves and He knows when we are living in truth or in the entrapment of lies.

For God the simple truth is that He loves us so much and so desires a relationship with each of us that He sent Jesus to take on the burden of our sins and to model the godly life for us. So when we fail to measure up then we are still loved and forgiven and have the opportunity to begin again. To model that godly life God desires for our lives, we must not only speak the truth, but walk in truth.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. When you pray, remember that all of us are fighting some sort of battle and none of us can do this life alone. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayer request: Geni takes the second of three of her exit tests tomorrow which will qualify her for specific specializations in her teaching certification. Prayers for focus and a spirit of peace would be welcome.

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