Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Saturday!

What a wonderful day! The only thing I asked for my birthday was to see the new Harry Potter, so we went this afternoon. It is amazing! It is action packed and for the most part follows the book quite well. The end of this part of the last book ends as Geni says, “perfectly!”

Psalm 43:5 “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him—my Savior and my God!”

Okay, I got a C+ on my Sacraments paper. I have never gotten a C+ and I must admit it has really bothered me. This grade seems to be at the forefront of my thinking. I became really discouraged and afraid to begin this new paper. After I read the comments on the paper from the professor I decided that I must learn to write in a different style than the one I presented my professor with in this paper. I am pretty good at the reflection style of writing, but I have a lot to learn about writing a paper that presents an argument. So, if I am not too old for another adventure, then I am not too old to ask for help. I am not sure who to ask, but I am going to start with my advisor and see where that takes me.

When we run across bumps in the road we have some choices to make. We can try to go around or we can try to go over. If we try both of these things then the bump is still there and eventually we will have to deal with the situation. The thing to do is to remove the bump. I must learn to write a research paper that presents a clear and concise point that defends a point of view, a statement, or other theological standpoint. But most of all in my writing (for me) I must not only achieve academic excellence, but I must show the glory of God in what I write. My writing must reflect and witness the life of God in Christ Jesus.

This new paper I will begin researching tomorrow is a theology of death and how Christians view and handle death. The conclusion of the paper will be the Celebration of Life service I wrote for Casey. My voice praises God for this professor and this paper and its less than stellar comments. This is a bump in the road that must be removed so that I can move forward as I move forward in becoming a full time seminary student. My hope is that I will find someone who knows how to write in this style of writing and can guide and teach me the skills I need (you know how I ask for us to pray for each other each day?). Please pray God will send me someone who can help me learn to write in this style and I can remove this bump in the road.

For me to be sad and discouraged is not of God and is a sinful state. I know God will help me in some way. I am not sure how, but I have enough faith in this loving God to believe and enough humility to know I cannot accomplish this alone. So tonight I praise God for His goodness, faithfulness and tender mercies and ask for help.

So the question for the night is…How do you deal with bumps in the road? Who do you seek out when problems stop you in your tracks? And can you find a way to praise God as you are learning how to remove the bump in the road that is keeping you from moving forward? There is always another journey isn’t there?

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all and see you in worship. Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

PS Our friend Wes Reed is in the hospital with pancreatitis. Please pray for his healing and restoration to well being. Peace, gc

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